Linux kernel guide
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A Beginner's Guide to Linux Kernel Development (LFD103). Learn how to become a Linux kernel developer and contributor with this free training course. x kernel versions. The guide has been around since 2001 and most copies of it on the web only describe old 2.6.x kernels. The book can be freely accessed Application-developer documentation¶. The user-space API manual gathers together documents describing aspects of the kernel interface as seen by application “Practical C Programming” by Steve Oualline [O'Reilly]; “C: A Reference Manual” by Harbison and Steele [Prentice Hall]. The kernel is written using GNU C and The Linux kernel mainly acts as a resource manager acting as an abstract layer for the applications. The applications have a connection with the kernel which in The Linux kernel user's and administrator's guide¶. The following is a collection of user-oriented documents that have been added to the kernel over time. Application-developer documentation¶. The user-space API manual gathers together documents describing aspects of the kernel interface as seen by application Linux Kernel Programming: A comprehensive guide to kernel internals, writing kernel modules, and kernel synchronization: 9781789953435:
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